Holy Week

Service Texts

We encourage our faithful to bring a text to follow the services of Holy Week.

You may print the text from the links below or use an electronic device to follow along.

+ Orthros of Holy Monday (Palm Sunday Evening, 6pm)

+ Orthros of Holy Tuesday (Monday Evening, 6pm)

+ Orthros of Holy Wednesday (Tuesday Evening, 6pm)

+ Holy Unction (Wednesday Afternoon, 3pm)

+ Orthros of Holy Thursday (Wednesday Evening, 6pm)

+ Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil - Institution of the Eucharist (Thursday Morning, 8am)

+ 12 Passion Gospels (Thursday Evening, 6pm)

+ Royal Hours (Friday Morning, 10am)

+ Great Vespers of the Un-Nailing (Friday Afternoon, 3pm)

+ Orthros of Holy Saturday w/ Lamentations (Friday Evening, 6pm)

+ Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil - Harrowing of Hades (Saturday Morning, 9am)

+ Resurrection Vigil, Orthros, & Liturgy (Saturday Night, 11pm)

+ Agape Vespers (Sunday Morning, 11am)